
In what follows we describe three alternative ways to install caspo:

Note that using pip requires the user to install all dependencies manually. Since installing such dependecies requires basic skills on how to compile and deploy third-party python packages it is only recommended for experienced users. Therefore, we recommend less experienced users to use either Docker or Anaconda.

Using Docker

Follow the instructions to install Docker at Once you have installed Docker on your computer, you can use the caspo docker image as follows. First you need to pull the image with:

$ docker pull bioasp/caspo

That’s it. Now, you should be able to run caspo with docker. Usually, caspo will need to read and writes files to do their work. A possible way to this using docker is as follows. For safety, we recommend to use an empty directory:

$ mkdir caspo-wd && cd caspo-wd

Next, let’s take a look to the command needed to run docker, mount the current directory (caspo-wd) into the docker container, and use it as the working directory for running caspo:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD:/caspo-wd -w /caspo-wd bioasp/caspo

If you don’t want to write the full docker command every time you run caspo, you may want to create a shell script or alias as a shortcut. For example, you may want to create a file in your working directory named caspo and with the following content:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/caspo-wd -w /caspo-wd bioasp/caspo $@

Next, make the file executable:

$ chmod a+x caspo

Now you can run caspo with just:

$ ./caspo

Next, go to Testing your installation.

Using Anaconda

NOTE: In order for this method to work, the standard C/C++ libraries must be installed in your system. In Linux you need to have gcc >= 4.9 while in OS X 10.9+ you need to install Xcode and the command line tools.

Follow the instructions to install Anaconda at Next, download the file environment.yml and use it to create a conda environment where caspo will be installed:

$ conda env create --file environment.yml
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata ...............
Solving package specifications: ..........
Linking packages ...
[      COMPLETE      ]|####################################################| 100%
# To activate this environment, use:
# $ source activate caspo-env
# To deactivate this environment, use:
# $ source deactivate

That’s it. Now, you should be able to run caspo within the created environment. Note that you need to activate the environment every time you open a new terminal.

Next, go to Testing your installation.

Using pip

NOTE: Depending on your platform and whether you decide to use the system’s python or a virtual environment, this method may require you to install additional compilers and libraries beforehand.

Essentially, you will need to have python 3.x and some of the standard scientific python packages installed. Download the file requirements.txt and install caspo by running:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Alternatively, you could download caspo sources and after unpacking run:

$ python install

Note that installing caspo in this way does not force the installation of any of the runtime dependencies. In other words, you take full responsibility of installing all required packages to run caspo successfully.

Also, the python module of the answer set programming solver clingo must be available in the PYTHONPATH. After unpacking clingo sources, you will find detailed instructions about how to compile and build the python module in the INSTALL file.

Next, go to Testing your installation.

Testing your installation

Once caspo is installed you can test the installation as follows. To start with, you can ask for help:

$ caspo --help
usage: caspo [-h] [--quiet] [--out O] [--version]
             {learn,classify,predict,design,control,visualize,test} ...

Reasoning on the response of logical signaling networks with ASP

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --quiet               do not print anything to standard output
  --out O               output directory path (Default to './out')
  --version             show program's version number and exit

caspo subcommands:
  for specific help on each subcommand use: caspo {cmd} --help


A more interesting test is to run caspo test to make sure all subcommands are working:

$ caspo test --help
usage: caspo test [-h] [--threads T] [--conf C]
                  [--testcase {Toy,LiverToy,LiverDREAM,ExtLiver}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --threads T           run clingo with given number of threads
  --conf C              threads configurations (Default to many)
  --testcase {Toy,LiverToy,LiverDREAM,ExtLiver}
                        testcase name

This subcommand will run all subcommands in caspo using different testcases (see --testcase argument):

$ caspo test

Testing caspo subcommands using test case Toy.

Copying files for running tests:
  Prior knowledge network: pkn.sif
  Phospho-proteomics dataset: dataset.csv
  Experimental setup: setup.json
  Intervention scenarios: scenarios.csv

$ caspo --out out learn out/pkn.sif out/dataset.csv 10 --fit 0.1 --size 5

Optimum logical network learned in 0.0183s
Optimum logical networks has MSE 0.1100 and size 7
5 (nearly) optimal logical networks learned in 0.0082s
Weighted MSE: 0.1100

$ caspo --out out classify out/networks.csv out/setup.json out/dataset.csv 10

Classifying 5 logical networks...
3 input-output logical behaviors found in 0.2029s
Weighted MSE: 0.1100

$ caspo --out out design out/behaviors.csv out/setup.json

1 optimal experimental designs in 0.0043s

$ caspo --out out predict out/behaviors.csv out/setup.json

Computing all predictions and their variance for 3 logical networks...

$ caspo --out out control out/networks.csv out/scenarios.csv

3 optimal intervention strategies found in 0.0047s

$ caspo --out out visualize --pkn out/pkn.sif --setup out/setup.json
        --networks out/networks.csv --midas out/dataset.csv 10
        --stats-networks=out/stats-networks.csv --behaviors out/behaviors.csv
        --designs=out/designs.csv --predictions=out/predictions.csv
        --strategies=out/strategies.csv --stats-strategies=out/stats-strategies.csv

If everything works as expected, you should find a directory named out in the current directory having all the output files generated by caspo.