

class caspo.core.setup.Setup(stimuli, inhibitors, readouts)

Experimental setup describing stimuli, inhibitors and readouts species names

  • stimuli (list[str]) – List of stimuli species
  • inhibitors (list[str]) – List of inhibitors species
  • readouts (list[str]) – List of readouts species







Returns the sum of stimuli, inhibitors, and readouts

Returns:Sum of stimuli, inhibitors, and readouts
Return type:int

Iterates over all possible clampings of this experimental setup

Parameters:cues (Optional[iterable]) – If given, restricts clampings over given species names
Yields:caspo.core.clamping.Clamping – The next clamping with respect to the experimental setup

Returns stimuli and inhibitors species of this experimental setup

Parameters:rename_inhibitors (boolean) – If True, rename inhibitors with an ending ‘i’ as in MIDAS files.
Returns:List of species names in order: first stimuli followed by inhibitors
Return type:list

Returns a new experimental setup restricted to species present in the given list of networks

Parameters:networks (caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList) – List of logical networks
Returns:The restricted experimental setup
Return type:caspo.core.setup.Setup
classmethod from_json(klass, filename)

Creates an experimental setup from a JSON file

Parameters:filename (str) – Absolute path to JSON file
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.setup.Setup

frozenset: unique species names in the experimental setup


Converts the experimental setup to a set of gringo.Fun object instances

Returns:The set of gringo.Fun object instances
Return type:set

Writes the experimental setup to a JSON file

Parameters:filename (str) – Absolute path where to write the JSON file


class caspo.core.literal.Literal

A literal is a variable or its negation




int (either 1 or -1)


Returns the string representation of the literal

Returns:String representation of the literal
Return type:str
classmethod from_str(klass, string)

Creates a literal from a string

Parameters:string (str) – If the string starts with ‘!’, it’s interpreted as a negated variable
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.literal.Literal


class caspo.core.clamping.Clamping

A clamping is a frozenset of caspo.core.literal.Literal object instances where each literal describes a clamped variable


Returns whether the given variable is positively clamped

Parameters:variable (str) – The variable name
Returns:True if the given variable is positively clamped, False otherwise
Return type:boolean

Returns a new clamping without the given literals

Parameters:literals (iterable[caspo.core.literal.Literal]) – Iterable of literals to be removed
Returns:A new clamping without the given literals
Return type:caspo.core.clamping.Clamping
classmethod from_tuples(klass, tuples)

Creates a clamping from tuples of the form (variable, sign)

Parameters:tuples (iterable[(str,int)]) – An iterable of tuples describing clamped variables
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.clamping.Clamping

Returns whether the given variable is present in the clamping

Parameters:variable (str) – The variable name
Returns:True if the given variable is present in the clamping, False otherwise
Return type:boolean

Converts the clamping to a 1-D array with respect to the given variables

Parameters:variables (list[str]) – List of variables names
Returns:1-D array where position i correspond to the sign of the clamped variable at position i in the given list of variables
Return type:numpy.ndarray
to_funset(index, name='clamped')

Converts the clamping to a set of gringo.Fun object instances

  • index (int) – An external identifier to associate several clampings together in ASP
  • name (str) – A function name for the clamping

The set of gringo.Fun object instances

Return type:


class caspo.core.clamping.ClampingList

A list of caspo.core.clamping.Clamping object instances


Returns mutually exclusive/inclusive clampings

Returns:A tuple of 2 dictionaries. For each literal key, the first dict has as value the set of mutually exclusive clampings while the second dict has as value the set of mutually inclusive clampings.
Return type:(dict,dict)
differences(networks, readouts, prepend='')

Returns the total number of pairwise differences over the given readouts for the given networks

  • networks (iterable[caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork]) – Iterable of logical networks to compute pairwise differences
  • readouts (list[str]) – List of readouts species names
  • prepend (str) – Columns are renamed using the given string at the beginning

Total number of pairwise differences for each clamping over each readout

Return type:



Returns a new list of clampings without the given literals

Parameters:literals (iterable[caspo.core.literal.Literal]) – Iterable of literals to be removed from each clamping
Returns:The new list of clampings
Return type:caspo.core.clamping.ClampingList

Iterates over the frequencies of all clamped variables

Yields:tuple[ caspo.core.literal.Literal, float ] – The next tuple of the form (literal, frequency)

Returns the frequency of a clamped variable

Parameters:literal (caspo.core.literal.Literal) – The clamped variable
Returns:The frequency of the given literal
Return type:float
Raises:ValueError – If the variable is not present in any of the clampings
classmethod from_csv(klass, filename, inhibitors=[])

Creates a list of clampings from a CSV file. Column names are expected to be of the form TR:species_name

  • filename (str) – Absolute path to a CSV file to be loaded with pandas.read_csv. The resulting DataFrame is passed to from_dataframe().
  • inhibitors (Optional[list[str]]) –

    If given, species names ending with i and found in the list (without the i) will be interpreted as inhibitors. That is, if they are set to 1, the corresponding species is inhibited and therefore its negatively clamped. Apart from that, all 1s (resp. 0s) are interpreted as positively (resp. negatively) clamped.

    Otherwise (if inhibitors=[]), all 1s (resp. -1s) are interpreted as positively (resp. negatively) clamped.


Created object instance

Return type:


classmethod from_dataframe(klass, df, inhibitors=[])

Creates a list of clampings from a pandas.DataFrame object instance. Column names are expected to be of the form TR:species_name

  • df (pandas.DataFrame) – Columns and rows correspond to species names and individual clampings, respectively.
  • inhibitors (Optional[list[str]]) –

    If given, species names ending with i and found in the list (without the i) will be interpreted as inhibitors. That is, if they are set to 1, the corresponding species is inhibited and therefore its negatively clamped. Apart from that, all 1s (resp. 0s) are interpreted as positively (resp. negatively) clamped.

    Otherwise (if inhibitors=[]), all 1s (resp. -1s) are interpreted as positively (resp. negatively) clamped.


Created object instance

Return type:


to_csv(filename, stimuli=[], inhibitors=[], prepend='')

Writes the list of clampings to a CSV file

  • filename (str) – Absolute path where to write the CSV file
  • stimuli (Optional[list[str]]) – List of stimuli names. If given, stimuli are converted to {0,1} instead of {-1,1}.
  • inhibitors (Optional[list[str]]) – List of inhibitors names. If given, inhibitors are renamed and converted to {0,1} instead of {-1,1}.
  • prepend (str) – Columns are renamed using the given string at the beginning
to_dataframe(stimuli=[], inhibitors=[], prepend='')

Converts the list of clampigns to a pandas.DataFrame object instance

  • stimuli (Optional[list[str]]) – List of stimuli names. If given, stimuli are converted to {0,1} instead of {-1,1}.
  • inhibitors (Optional[list[str]]) – List of inhibitors names. If given, inhibitors are renamed and converted to {0,1} instead of {-1,1}.
  • prepend (str) – Columns are renamed using the given string at the beginning

DataFrame representation of the list of clampings

Return type:


to_funset(lname='clamping', cname='clamped')

Converts the list of clampings to a set of gringo.Fun instances

  • lname (str) – Predicate name for the clamping id
  • cname (str) – Predicate name for the clamped variable

Representation of all clampings as a set of gringo.Fun instances

Return type:



class caspo.core.dataset.Dataset(midas, time)

An experimental phospho-proteomics dataset extending pandas.DataFrame

  • midas (Absolute PATH to a MIDAS file) –
  • time (Data acquisition time-point for the early response) –







Returns if the given species name is a inhibitor or not

Parameters:name (str) –
Returns:True if the given name is a inhibitor, False otherwise.
Return type:boolean

Returns if the given species name is a readout or not

Parameters:name (str) –
Returns:True if the given name is a readout, False otherwise.
Return type:boolean

Returns if the given species name is a stimulus or not

Parameters:name (str) –
Returns:True if the given name is a stimulus, False otherwise.
Return type:boolean

Converts the dataset to a set of gringo.Fun instances

Parameters:discrete (callable) – A discretization function
Returns:Representation of the dataset as a set of gringo.Fun instances
Return type:set


class caspo.core.graph.Graph

Prior knowledge network (aka interaction graph) extending networkx.MultiDiGraph


Returns a copy of this graph ready for plotting

Returns:A copy of the object instance
Return type:caspo.core.graph.Graph

Returns the compressed graph according to the given experimental setup

Parameters:setup (caspo.core.setup.Setup) – Experimental setup used to compress the graph
Returns:Compressed graph
Return type:caspo.core.graph.Graph
classmethod from_tuples(klass, tuples)

Creates a graph from an iterable of tuples describing edges like (source, target, sign)

Parameters:tuples (iterable[(str,str,int))]) – Tuples describing signed and directed edges
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.graph.Graph
predecessors(node, exclude_compressed=True)

Returns the list of predecessors of a given node

  • node (str) – The target node
  • exclude_compressed (boolean) – If true, compressed nodes are excluded from the predecessors list

List of predecessors nodes

Return type:


classmethod read_sif(klass, path)

Creates a graph from a simple interaction format (SIF) file

Parameters:path (str) – Absolute path to a SIF file
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.graph.Graph
successors(node, exclude_compressed=True)

Returns the list of successors of a given node

  • node (str) – The target node
  • exclude_compressed (boolean) – If true, compressed nodes are excluded from the successors list

List of successors nodes

Return type:



class caspo.core.hypergraph.HyperGraph(nodes, hyper, edges)

Signed and directed hypergraph representation providing the link between logical networks and the corresponding expanded prior knowledge network.

  • nodes (pandas.Series) – Values in the Series correspond to variables names
  • hyper (pandas.Series) – Values in the Series correspond to the index in attribute nodes (interpreted as the target node)
  • edges (pandas.DataFrame) – Hyperedges details as a DataFrame with columns hyper_idx (corresponds to the index in attribute hyper), name (interpreted as a source node), and sign (1 or -1)








A mapping from an hyperedge id (hyper_idx) to a caspo.core.clause.Clause object instance



The inverse mappings of those in attribute clauses



The list of all possible caspo.core.mapping.Mapping for this hypergraph

classmethod from_graph(klass, graph, length=0)

Creates a hypergraph (expanded graph) from a caspo.core.graph.Graph object instance

  • graph (caspo.core.graph.Graph) – The base interaction graph to be expanded
  • length (int) – Maximum length for hyperedges source sets. If 0, use maximum possible in each case.

Created object instance

Return type:



Converts the hypergraph to a set of gringo.Fun instances

Returns:Representation of the hypergraph as a set of gringo.Fun instances
Return type:set

Returns the variable name for a given variable id

Parameters:index (int) – Variable id
Returns:Variable name
Return type:str


class caspo.core.mapping.Mapping

A logical conjunction mapping as a tuple made of a caspo.core.clause.Clause and a target






Returns the string representation of the mapping

Returns:String representation of the mapping as target<=clause
Return type:str
classmethod from_str(klass, string)

Creates a mapping from a string

Parameters:string (str) – String of the form target<-clause where clause is a valid string for caspo.core.clause.Clause
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.mapping.Mapping
class caspo.core.mapping.MappingList(mappings, indexes=None)

A list of indexed caspo.core.mapping.Mapping objects.

  • mappings ([caspo.core.mapping.Mapping]) – The list of logical mappings
  • indexes ([int]) – An optional list of integers to use as indexes

A list of mappings can be indexed by:

  1. a tuple caspo.core.mapping.Mapping to get its corresponding index
  2. a list of integers to get all the corresponding mappings objects
  3. a single integer to get its corresponding mapping object
Returns:An integer, a MappingList or a single mapping
Return type:object

Iterates over mappings

Yields:caspo.core.mapping.Mapping – The next logical mapping

Returns the number of mappings

Returns:Number of mappings
Return type:int

Iterates over all mappings

Yields:(int,Mapping) – The next pair (index, mapping)


class caspo.core.clause.Clause

A conjunction clause is a frozenset of caspo.core.literal.Literal object instances


Returns the string representation of the clause


Returns the Boolean evaluation of the clause with respect to a given state

Parameters:state (dict) – Key-value mapping describing a Boolean state or assignment
Returns:The evaluation of the clause with respect to the given state or assignment
Return type:boolean
classmethod from_str(klass, string)

Creates a clause from a given string.

Parameters:string (str) – A string of the form a+!b which translates to a AND NOT b.
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.clause.Clause


class caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork

Logical network class extends networkx.DiGraph with nodes being, either caspo.core.clause.Clause object instances or species names (str).



Number of networks having the same behavior (including this network as the representative network)


Returns a networkx.MultiDiGraph ready for plotting.

Returns:Network object instance ready for plotting
Return type:networkx.MultiDiGraph
fixpoint(clamping, steps=0)

Computes the fixpoint with respect to a given caspo.core.clamping.Clamping

  • clamping (caspo.core.clamping.Clamping) – The clamping with respect to the fixpoint is computed
  • steps (int) – If greater than zero, a maximum number of steps is performed. Otherwise it continues until reaching a fixpoint. Note that if no fixpoint exists, e.g. a network with a negative feedback-loop, this will never end unless you provide a maximum number of steps.

The key-value mapping describing the state of the logical network

Return type:



Iterates over all variable-clauses in the logical network

Yields:tuple[str,frozenset[caspo.core.clause.Clause]] – The next tuple of the form (variable, set of clauses) in the logical network.
classmethod from_hypertuples(klass, hg, tuples)

Creates a logical network from an iterable of integer tuples matching mappings in the given caspo.core.hypergraph.HyperGraph


Created object instance

Return type:


predictions(clampings, readouts, stimuli=[], inhibitors=[], nclampings=-1)

Computes network predictions for the given iterable of clampings

  • clampings (iterable) – Iterable over clampings
  • readouts (list[str]) – List of readouts names
  • stimuli (Optional[list[str]]) – List of stimuli names
  • inhibitors (Optional[list[str]]) – List of inhibitors names
  • nclampings (Optional[int]) – If greater than zero, it must be the number of clampings in the iterable. Otherwise, clampings must implement the special method __len__()

DataFrame with network predictions for each clamping. If stimuli and inhibitors are given, columns are included describing each clamping. Otherwise, columns correspond to readouts only.

Return type:



int: The size (complexity) of this logical network as the sum of clauses’ length

step(state, clamping)

Performs a simulation step from the given state and with respect to the given clamping

  • state (dict) – The key-value mapping describing the current state of the logical network
  • clamping (caspo.core.clamping.Clamping) – A clamping over variables in the logical network

The key-value mapping describing the next state of the logical network

Return type:



Converts the logical network to a binary array with respect to the given mappings from a caspo.core.hypergraph.HyperGraph object instance.

Parameters:mappings (caspo.core.mapping.MappingList) – Mappings to create the binary array
Returns:Binary array with respect to the given mappings describing the logical network. Position i in the array will be 1 if the network has the mapping at position i in the given list of mappings.
Return type:numpy.ndarray

Converts the logical network to its underlying interaction graph

Returns:The underlying interaction graph
Return type:caspo.core.graph.Graph

Returns variables in the logical network

Returns:Unique variables names
Return type:set[str]
class caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList(hg, matrix=None, networks=None)

List of caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork object instances

  • hg (caspo.core.hypergraph.HyperGraph) – Underlying hypergraph of all logical networks.
  • matrix (Optional[numpy.ndarray]) – 2-D binary array representation of all logical networks. If None, an empty array is initialised
  • networks (Optional[numpy.ndarray]) – For each network in the list, it gives the number of networks having the same behavior. If None, an array of ones is initialised with the same length as the number of networks in the list.

Returns logical network(s) at the given index

Parameters:index (object) – It can be an int or an iterable of int
Returns:Either a caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork or a caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList object
Return type:object

Iterates over all logical networks in the list

Yields:caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork – The next logical network in the list

Returns the number of logical networks

Returns:Number of logical networks
Return type:int

Returns a networkx.MultiDiGraph ready for plotting. Edges weights correspond to mappings frequencies.

Returns:Network object instance ready for plotting
Return type:networkx.MultiDiGraph
add_network(pos, network)

Adds a network to the logical network at the given position


Append a caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork to the list

Parameters:network (caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork) – The network to append

Returns mutually exclusive/inclusive mappings

Returns:A tuple of 2 dictionaries. For each mapping key, the first dict has as value the set of mutually exclusive mappings while the second dict has as value the set of mutually inclusive mappings.
Return type:(dict,dict)

Returns the concatenation with another caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList object instance. It is assumed (not checked) that both have the same underlying hypergraph.

Parameters:other (caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList) – The list to concatenate
Returns:If other is empty returns self, if self is empty returns other, otherwise a new caspo.core.LogicalNetworkList is created by concatenating self and other.
Return type:caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList

Iterates over all non-zero frequencies of logical conjunction mappings in this list

Yields:tuple[caspo.core.mapping.Mapping, float] – The next pair (mapping,frequency)

Returns frequency of a given caspo.core.mapping.Mapping

Parameters:mapping (caspo.core.mapping.Mapping) – A logical conjuntion mapping
Returns:Frequency of the given mapping over all logical networks
Return type:float
Raises:ValueError – If the given mapping is not found in the mappings of the underlying hypergraph of this list
classmethod from_csv(klass, filename)

Creates a list of logical networks from a CSV file. Columns that cannot be parsed as a caspo.core.mapping.Mapping are ignored except for a column named networks which (if present) is interpreted as the number of logical networks having the same input-output behavior.

Parameters:filename (str) – Absolute path to CSV file
Returns:Created object instance
Return type:caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList
classmethod from_hypergraph(klass, hypergraph, networks=[])

Creates a list of logical networks from a given hypergraph and an optional list of caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetwork object instances


Created object instance

Return type:



caspo.core.mapping.MappingList: the list of mappings present in at least one logical network in this list

predictions(setup, n_jobs=-1)

Returns a pandas.DataFrame with the weighted average predictions and variance of all readouts for each possible clampings in the given experimental setup. For each logical network the weight corresponds to the number of networks having the same behavior.

  • setup (caspo.core.setup.Setup) – Experimental setup
  • n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs to run in parallel. Default to -1 (all cores available)

DataFrame with the weighted average predictions and variance of all readouts for each possible clamping

Return type:



Drop all networks in the list


Splits logical networks according to given indices

Parameters:indices (list) – 1-D array of sorted integers, the entries indicate where the array is split
Returns:List of caspo.core.logicalnetwork.LogicalNetworkList object instances
Return type:list

See also


to_csv(filename, networks=False, dataset=None, size=False, n_jobs=-1)

Writes the list of logical networks to a CSV file

  • filename (str) – Absolute path where to write the CSV file
  • networks (boolean) – If True, a column with number of networks having the same behavior is included in the file
  • dataset (Optional[caspo.core.dataset.Dataset]) – If not None, a column with the MSE with respect to the given dataset is included
  • size (boolean) – If True, a column with the size of each logical network is included
  • n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs to run in parallel. Default to -1 (all cores available)
to_dataframe(networks=False, dataset=None, size=False, n_jobs=-1)

Converts the list of logical networks to a pandas.DataFrame object instance

  • networks (boolean) – If True, a column with number of networks having the same behavior is included in the DataFrame
  • dataset (Optional[caspo.core.dataset.Dataset]) – If not None, a column with the MSE with respect to the given dataset is included in the DataFrame
  • size (boolean) – If True, a column with the size of each logical network is included in the DataFrame
  • n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs to run in parallel. Default to -1 (all cores available)

DataFrame representation of the list of logical networks.

Return type:



Converts the list of logical networks to a set of gringo.Fun instances

Returns:Representation of all networks as a set of gringo.Fun instances
Return type:set
weighted_mse(dataset, n_jobs=-1)

Returns the weighted MSE over all logical networks with respect to the given caspo.core.dataset.Dataset object instance. For each logical network the weight corresponds to the number of networks having the same behavior.

  • dataset (caspo.core.dataset.Dataset) – Dataset to compute MSE
  • n_jobs (int) – Number of jobs to run in parallel. Default to -1 (all cores available)

Weighted MSE

Return type:
